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Front-End Development

Service Workers

🔩 A collection of awesome resources for learning Service Workers

TalAterTalAter/awesome-service-workersUpdated 1391 57 68


Awesome Service Workers Awesome

A curated collection of service worker resources.

Building Progressive Web Apps

Service workers are at the heart of every progressive web app. Their persistent nature allows progressive web apps to fulfill our expectations of what an app should do. They are the missing link between what only native apps could do and what modern progressive web apps can do.

-- Building Progressive Web Apps - O'Reilly

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Must Reads

Learning Resources


Browser Support

Libraries and Tools

  • UpUp - A popular service worker library providing complete offline functionality for your site in 1 line of code.
  • sw-toolbox - A collection of simple helpers to simplify implementing common runtime caching patterns.
  • Manifest Generator - Generate a web app manifest, required for push notifications and installable web apps.
  • sw-precache - Generates a service worker to cache your local App Shell resources.
  • sw-offline-google-analytics - A service worker helper library to retry offline Google Analytics requests when a connection is available.
  • Workbox - a set of libraries and Node modules that make it easy to cache assets and take full advantage of features used to build progressive web apps.


Case Studies

  • Service Workers in Production - A case-study about how Google I/O 2015 web app was built.
  • Measuring the Real-world Performance Impact of Service Workers - One of the most significant benefits of service workers (from a performance perspective, at least) is their ability to proactively control the caching of assets. A web application that can cache all of its necessary resources should load substantially faster for returning visitors. But what do these gains actually look like to real users? And how do you even measure this?

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