webpack is a module bundler.
webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
A curated list of awesome Webpack resources, libraries, tools and applications
Inspired by the awesome list. Feel free to improve this list by contributing!
Webpack Ecosystem
Remember to Cast your vote for upcoming Webpack features!
Support Webpack
- Webpack Open Collective - Help support the teams ongoing development efforts.
- Webpack 1.x - Webpack 1.x Documentation
- Webpack 2.x - Webpack 2.x Documentation
People passionate about Webpack (In no particular order)
- Sean T. Larkin - @TheLarkInn TPM at Microsoft. Developer Advocate and webpack core team member.
- Juho Vepsäläinen - @bebraw from SurviveJS and webpack core team member.
- Eric Clemmons - @ericclemmons VP of Software Development at HigherEdHQ. Webpack member.
- Patrick Stapleton - @gdi2290 from AngularClass, AngularAir and Angular Universal. Webpack member.
- Kent C. Dodds - @kentcdodds from PayPal Engineering and JavaScript Air. Webpack member.
- Johannes Ewald - @Jhnnns: Webpack core team member.
- Joshua Wiens - @d3viant0ne: Technical Lead for EasyMetrics. Webpack member.
- Jonathan Creamer - @jcreamer898: Microsoft MVP and Telerik Developer Expert.
- Kees Kluskens - @keeskluskens: - Software Engineer at Code Yellow, Webpack core team member.
File Type
- File Loader: File loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- URL Loader: URL loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- HTML Loader: HTML loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Raw Loader: Raw file loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Image Loader: Image minimizing loader for webpack. -- Maintainer:
Andy VanWagoner
- Responsive Loader: Loader for responsive images. -- Maintainer:
Jeremy Stucki
- SVG Url Loader: Loader which loads SVG file as utf-8 encoded Url. -- Maintainer:
Hovhannes Babayan
- json5 Loader: json5 loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- json Loader: json loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- mermaid Loader: mermaid loader module (diagrams) for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Paul Musso
- wasm loader: wasm binary loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Arthur Buldauskas
- Imagemin Loader/Plugin: Image minimizing loader + plugin for webpack. -- Maintainer:
itgalaxy inc.
- Bin Exec Loader: Pipe any file through any binary. -- Maintainer:
Rafael Milewski
- GraphQL Loader:
document loader. -- Maintainer:Stephen Wan
- C/C++ Loader: Load native C/C++ files with minimal bundle bloat. -- Maintainer:
Scott Lott
Component & Template
- Angular2 Template Loader: Inlines html and style's in Angular2 components. -- Maintainer:
Sean Larkin
- Handlebars Loader: A handlebars template loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Paul Carduner
- Vue Loader: Webpack loader for Vue.js components. -- Maintainer:
Vuejs Team
- SVG React Loader - Webpack SVG to React Component Loader. -- Maintainer:
Jerry Hamlet
- Underscore Loader - Underscore and Lodash template loader. -- Maintainer:
Emmanuel Antico
- ngTemplate Loader - Angular1 Template Loader. -- Maintainer:
Toby Rahilly
- ngInlineStylesLoader: Optimizes inlined css of angular components. -- Maintainer:
Severin Friede
- Markup-inline Loader Inline SVGs to HTML -- Maintainer:
Zhicheng Wang
- Polymer Loader - Loader for Polymer elements. -- Maintainers:
Rob Dodson
Chad Killingsworth
Bryan Coulter
- Tag Loader - Loader for Riot tag files. -- Maintainer:
Riot Team
- Style Loader: Style loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- PostCSS Loader: PostCSS loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
PostCSS Team
- CSS Loader: CSS loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- SASS Loader: SASS loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Jorik Tangelder
- Less Loader: Less loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Stylus Loader: A stylus loader for webpack. -- Maintainer:
Kyle Robinson Young
- Isomorphic Style Loader: Isomorphic CSS style loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Kriasoft Team
- Mini css extract plugin:
Lightweight CSS extraction plugin -- Maintainer:
Webpack Contrib
Language & Framework
- TS Loader: TypeScript loader for webpack. -- Maintainer:
TypeStrong Team
- Awesome TypeScript Loader: Awesome TS loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Stanislav Panferov
- Coffee Loader: Coffee loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Bootstrap Loader: Load Bootstrap styles in your Webpack bundle. -- Maintainer:
ShakaCode Team
- PostHTML Loader: PostHTML loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
PostHTML Team
- ELM Loader: Webpack loader for the Elm programming language. -- Maintainer:
Richard Feldman
- Fengari Loader: Run Lua code using Fengari. -- Maintainer:
- Babel Loader: Webpack plugin for Babel. -- Maintainer:
Babel Team
- ESLint Loader: ESLint loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Maxime Thirouin
- JSHint Loader: JSHint loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- JSCS Loader: Run your source through the JSCS style checker. -- Maintainer:
Daniel Perez Alvarez
- Bundle Loader: Bundle loader for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Worker Loader: Worker loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Resolve URL Loader: Resolves relative paths in url() statements. -- Maintainer:
Ben Holloway
- Import Loader: Imports loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- SourceMap Loader: Extract sourceMappingURL comments from modules. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Combine Loader - Converts a loaders array into a single loader string. -- Maintainer:
James Friend
- Icon Font Loader - Converts svgs into font icons in CSS. -- Maintainer:
Forrest R. Zhao
- Icons Loader - Generates an iconfont from SVG dependencies. -- Maintainer:
Mike Vercoelen
- Modernizr Loader - Get your modernizr build bundled with webpack. -- Maintainer:
Peerigon Devs
- ngRouter Loader - AOT capable NgModule lazy loading using angular router -- Maintainer:
Shlomi Assaf
- Mocha Loader: Mocha loader module for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Karma Webpack: Use Karma with Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Istanbul Webpack plugin: Use Istanbul instrumenter for the whole pack. -- Maintainer:
Hagai Cohen
Integration Libraries
- Dotenv Webpack: Compiles environment variables into your bundle via dotenv. -- Maintainer:
Matthew Steele
- Terse Webpack - Webpack simplified in a fluent API with presets. -- Maintainer:
Eric Clemmons
- SystemJS Webpack - Webpack bundling for SystemJS. -- Maintainer:
Guy Bedford
- Gulp Webpack Stream - Run webpack through a stream interface. -- Maintainer:
Kyle Robinson Young
- Webpack Blocks - Configure webpack using functional feature blocks. -- Maintainer:
Andy Wermke
- Webpacker - Offical webpack gem for integration into ruby on rails projects. -- Maintainer:
- WebpackAspnetMiddleware - Development middleware for ASP.NET 5. -- Maintainer:
Frank Wallis
Webpack Plugins
- Extract Text Plugin: Extract text from bundle into a file. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- DefinePlugin: Create global constants which can be configured at compile time. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Compression Plugin: Prepare assets to serve with Content-Encoding. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Offline Plugin: Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Arthur Stolyar
- Rewire Plugin: Dependency injection for Webpack bundles. -- Maintainer:
Johannes Ewald
- HTML Webpack Plugin: Simplifies creation of HTML files. -- Maintainer:
Jan Nicklas
- Copy Webpack Plugin: Copy files and directories in webpack. -- Maintainer:
Len Boyette
- Split By Path: Split By Path Webpack Plugin. -- Maintainer:
Bohdan Tkachenko
- SW Precache - Generates a service worker to precache bundle. -- Maintainer:
Will Farley
- CoreJS Plugin - Core-JS as a webpack plugin. -- Maintainer:
- Bundle Analyzer - Utility that represents bundles as an interactive treemap. -- Maintainer:
Yuriy Grunin
- Module Mapping - Maps modules onto different files. -- Maintainer:
Spartez Team
- Serverless Webpack - Serverless plugin to bundle your lambdas. -- Maintainer:
Elastic Coders
- Prerender SPA - Framework-agnostic static site generation for SPAs. -- Maintainer:
Chris Fritz
- Static Site Generator Plugin - Minimal, unopinionated static site generator. -- Maintainer:
Mark Dalgleish
- SVG Sprite Plugin - Plugin for SVG sprites and icons. -- Maintainer:
Jeremy Tice
) - Imagemin Webpack Plugin - Minify images with Imagemin. -- Maintainer:
Gregory Benner
- Prepack Webpack Plugin - A webpack plugin for prepack. -- Maintainer:
Gajus Kuizinas
- Modules CDN Webpack Plugin - Dynamically load your modules from a CDN. -- Maintainer:
Thomas Sileghem
- Generate package.json Plugin - Limit dependencies in a deployment
to only those that are actually being used by your bundle. -- Maintainer:Paul Myburgh
- Progressive Web App Manifest - PWA manifest manager and generator. -- Maintainer:
Arthur A. Bergamaschi
- Friendly errors - Recognizes certain classes of webpack errors and cleans, aggregates and prioritizes them. -- Maintainer:
Geoffroy Warin
- FileManager Webpack Plugin - Copy, move, delete files and directories before and after Webpack builds -- Maintainer:
Gregory Nowakowski
- Duplicate Package Checker Webpack Plugin - Warns you when multiple versions of the same package exist in your bundle -- Maintainer:
Darren Scerri
- PurgeCSS Webpack Plugin - A plugin to remove unused css with purgecss -- Maintainer:
Floriel Fedry
- Circular Dependency Plugin - Detect modules with circular dependencies when bundling -- Maintainer:
Aaron Ackerman
- Build Notifier Plugin - Display OS-level notifications for build errors and warnings. -- Maintainer:
Rocco Cataldo
Webpack Tools
- Webpack Dev Middleware: Middleware which arguments a live bundle. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Webpack Dev Server: Serves a webpack app. Updates the browser on changes. -- Maintainer:
Webpack Team
- Webpack Merge - Merge designed for Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Juho Vepsäläinen
- NPM Install Webpack - Automatically install & save deps with Webpack. -- Maintainer:
Eric Clemmons
- Webpack Validator - Validates your webpack config with Joi. -- Maintainer:
js-dxtools Team
- Webpack Config Utils - Util. to make your webpack config easier to read. -- Maintainer:
Kent C. Dodds
- Angular2 Webpack Toolkit - Webpack tools and helpers for Angular 2. -- Maintainer:
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer - Represents bundles as an interactive treemap. -- Maintainer:
Yuriy Grunin
- HJS Webpack: Helpers/presets for setting up webpack with hotloading. -- Maintainer:
Henrik Joreteg
- Webpack Dashboard: A CLI dashboard for webpack dev server. -- Maintainer:
Formidable Labs
- Neutrino: Combines the power of Webpack with the simplicity of presets. -- Maintainer:
Eli Perelman
- Webpack Chain: A chaining API to generate and simplify the mod. of Webpack 2 configurations. -- Maintainer:
Eli Perelman
- Speed Measure Plugin - Measures the speed of your webpack plugins and loaders. -- Maintainer:
Stephen Cook
Research & Training
- Andrew Welch | 23-Oct-18 - An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web Development
- Gábor Soós | 24-Apr-17 - How to do proper tree-shaking in Webpack 2
- Mark Erikson | 07-Mar-17 - Declaratively Rendering Earth in 3D, Building a Cesium + React App with Webpack
- Joseph Zimmerman | 2-Feb-17 - A Detailed Introduction To Webpack.
- Jamund Ferguson | 22-Jul-16 - Manually Tuning Webpack Builds.
- Sean T. Larkin | 21-Jul-16 - Learn and Debug webpack with Chrome Dev Tools!.
- Raja Rao DV | 10-Apr-16 - Webpack — The Confusing Parts.
- Andrew Ray | 09-Apr-16 - Webpack: When To Use and Why.
- Jonathan Creamer | 25-Feb-16 - WebPack Code splitting with ES6 and Babel 6.
- Grgur Grisogono | 15-Feb-16 - Webpack 2 Tree Shaking Configuration.
- Ilya Zayats | 07-Feb-16 - How to split your apps by routes with Webpack.
- Sebastian De Deyne | 04-Feb-16 - Adventure Time With Webpack.
- Jonathan Creamer | 10-Jan-16 - Advanced WebPack Part 2 - Code Splitting.
- Andy Ccs | 02-Jan-16 - Webpack and Docker for Development and Deployment.
- Jonathan Creamer | 08-Jun-16 - Advanced WebPack Part 3 - Creating a custom notifier plugin.
- Nader Dabit | 07-Sept-15 - Beginner’s guide to Webpack.
- Jonathan Creamer | 02-Sept-15 - Advanced WebPack Part 1 - The CommonsChunk Plugin.
- Maxime Fabre | 16-Oct-15 - Webpack your bags.
- Naomi A. Jacobs via BuzzJS 2.0 2017 | Feb-27-2017 - Webpack: It's Not Magic
- Jack Franklin at HalfStack2016 | 18-Nov-16 | Seamless client side JavaScript w/ Webpack
- Emil Oberg via YouTube | Nov-4-2016 - Introduction to Webpack 2, what is it?
- Emil Oberg via YouTube | Nov-4-2016 - Webpack 2 - A full tutorial
- Sean Larkin NEJS Conf | 30-Sep-16 | Webpack: Core Concepts
- Front End Center Webpack from First Principles | 22-Aug-16 - Intro to Webpack
- Sean Larkin on AngularAir | 03-Aug-16 - ngAir 75 - Webpack 2 with Sean Larkin.
- Eric Clemmons chat with Kent C. Dodds | 01-Jul-16 - Webpack HMR.
- Mirko Nasato (5 Part Series) | 07-Jun-16 - Angular2 with Webpack Project Setup.
- Jonathan Creamer at Nodevember | 05-Dec-15 - Advanced WebPack.
- Kyle Robinson Young | 08-Jul-15 - Getting Started with Webpack.
- Tasveer Singh at TorontoJS Tech Talk | 09-Apr-15 - Webpack.
- Jeremy Lund at Mountain West JS | 28-Mar-15 - Gift Wrap Your Code with Webpack.
- Webpack for Everyone - Free Laracasts series by Jeffrey Way
- Webpack 4 Fundamentals - Brief introduction about Webpack fundamentals by Sean Larkin
- Web Performance with Webpack - Solving common web performace problems using Webpack by Sean Larkin
- Intro to webpack (playlist) - Egghead.io playlist of a few videos by Kent C. Dodds (the first is free).
- Angular and Webpack for modular applications - Egghead.io course by Kent C. Dodds
- Using Webpack for Production JavaScript Applications - Egghead.io course by Kent C. Dodds (advanced)
- Webpack Fundamentals - Joe Eames for Pluralsight (intermediate)
- Webpack Academy - A comprehensive webpack learning resource.
- SurviveJS - Webpack: Free book guiding from a webpack apprentice to master. Covers dev, prod, and advanced topics.
Webpack Examples
- Webpack Examples: Examples of common Webpack functionality.
Community Examples
- Angular2 Webpack Starter - A Webpack driven Angular 2 Starter kit from AngularClass.
- Angular2 Webpack - A complete, yet simple, starter for Angular 2 using Webpack from Preboot.
- Angular2 Webpack Visual Studio - ASP.NET Core, Angular2 with Webpack and Visual Studio from Damien Bod.
- Angular2 Starter - Angular2 starter kit with Typescript and Webpack from Brian Schemp.
- Angular2 SPA - Angular 2 ASP.NET Core Spa from Steve Sanderson.
- Angular2 Seed - A simple starter demonstrating the basic concepts of Angular2 from Pawel Kozlowski.
Framework Agnostic
- Annotated webpack 4 Config - This is the companion github repo for the An Annotated webpack 4 Config for Frontend Web Development article.
- ES6 TodoMVC with Webpack - Repo used to teach webpack. (Check branches). from Kent C. Dodds.
- Create React App - Create React apps with no build configuration from Dan Abramov.
- React Starter Kit - Isomorphic web app boilerplate from Kriasoft Team.
- React Redux Universal - A starter boilerplate for a universal webapp from Erik Rasmussen.
- Frontend Boilerplate - A boilerplate of things that mostly shouldn't exist from TJ Holowaychuk.
- ReactGo - Your One-Stop solution for a full-stack universal Redux from Ken Ding.
- React Native Calculator - Mobile, desktop and website Apps with the same code from Benoit Vallon.
- React Cordova Boilerplate - TodoMVC example for React with Cordova from Yuval Saraf.
- React Universally - A starter kit giving you the minimum for a production ready universal react application.
- Budgeting Application - A fully functional boilerplate application optimized for dev and prod, including PRPL from Modus Create.
- Juho, Johannes, Tobias & Sean on JavaScript Air - JavaScript Air podcast
- Webpack interview questions - Interview questions with answers.