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Front-End Development


🎨 A curated contents of amazing CSS :)


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/* A curated list of awesome frameworks, style guides, and other cool nuggets for writing amazing CSS. */



This document is a curated list of frameworks, style guides, and cool nuggets of information for writing awesome CSS. It does not contain resources to learn CSS.

Complementary Resources

If you're struggling with something CSS-related, look for answers within the following resources:

Table of Contents

CSS Working Group

The CSS Working Group creates and defines CSS specifications. These specifications are assigned maturity levels as they move through the design process. If you would like to learn more, visit CSS Working Group Page.

Editor's Draft βœ’οΈ

Editor's drafts of CSS specifications

Parsers πŸ”

  • CSSOM - CSS Object Model implemented in pure JavaScript.
  • CSSTree - Detailed CSS parser with syntax validator.
  • Gonzales - Fast CSS parser.
  • Gonzales PE - CSS parser with support for preprocessors.
  • mensch - A decent CSS parser.
  • ParserLib - CSSLint/parser-lib.
  • PostCSS - Transforming styles with JS plugins.
  • Rework - Plugin framework for CSS preprocessing in Node.js.
  • Stylecow - Modern CSS for all browsers.

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Preprocessors πŸ’Š

Write CSS faster

  • LESS - Backwards compatible with CSS, and the extra features it adds use existing CSS syntax.
  • PostCSS - Transforming CSS with JS plugins.
  • Sass - Mature, stable, and powerful professional-grade CSS extension language.
  • STYLIS - Light-weight CSS preprocessor.
  • Stylus - Expressive, robust, feature-rich CSS language built for NodeJs.

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Frameworks 🎨

  • Bootstrap - The most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework.
  • Bulma - A modern CSS framework based on Flexbox. Also has Sass import for modification.
  • inuit.css - Powerful, scalable, Sass-based, BEM, OOCSS framework.
  • Foundation - advanced responsive front-end framework.
  • eFrolic - CSS framework which without using JavaScript is interactive and animated.
  • Materialize - A modern responsive front-end framework based on Material Design.
  • material-components-web - Modular and customizable Material Design UI components for the web.
  • Milligram - A minimalist CSS framework.
  • Pure.css - A set of small, responsive CSS modules that you can use in every web project.
  • Semantic UI - Powerful framework that uses human-friendly HTML.
  • Spectre.css - A lightweight, responsive and modern CSS framework.
  • Strawberry - A set of common flexbox utilities focused on making your life easier and faster with nested flexboxes.
  • Wing - A Minimal, Lightweight, Responsive framework.
  • UIkit - A lightweight and modular front-end framework.
  • unsemantic - Fluid grid for mobile, tablet, and desktop.
  • Tachyons - Functional CSS for humans.
  • Tacit - CSS framework for dummies with zero skills in graphic design.
  • tailwindcss - A utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development.

You can find more frameworks at "awesome-css-frameworks"

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Toolkits πŸ”§

  • Basscss - A lightweight collection of base element styles and immutable utilities.
  • Bourbon - A simple and lightweight mixin library for Sass.
  • Susy - Responsive layout toolkit for Sass.

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CSS Structure

  • RSCSS - Reasonable Standard for CSS Stylesheet Structure.
  • ITCSS - A sane, scalable, managed CSS architecture for large UI projects.

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Reset and Normalize

  • Normalize - A set of CSS rules that provide better cross-browser consistency in the default styling of HTML elements.
  • Normalize-OpenType - Adds OpenType featuresβ€”ligatures, kerning, and moreβ€”to Normalize.css.
  • MiniReset.css - A tiny modern CSS reset.
  • sanitize.css - A set of CSS rules that style with today’s best practices out-of-the-box.
  • unstyle.css - Specialised stylesheet for removing user agent styles, style the web with your baseline.

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CSS Development at Large-Scale Websites

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Code Style Guidelines πŸ“–

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Style Guide

View more style guides at Website Style Guide Resources

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Style Guide Generators 🎰

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Naming conventions & Methodologies πŸ’‘

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Here is a CSS in JS techniques comparison

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CSS Polyfills

  • polyfill.js - A library to make creating CSS polyfills much easier.
  • prefixfree - Break free from CSS prefix hell.
  • fixed-sticky - A CSS position:sticky polyfill.
  • selectivizr - A JavaScript utility that emulates CSS3 pseudo-classes and attribute selectors in Internet Explorer 6-8.
  • PIE - Allows Internet Explorer to recognize and render various CSS3 box decoration properties.

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  • Single Div Project - One <div>. Many possibilities.
  • Can I use - Browser support for CSS, HTML5 and other front-end web technologies.
  • Live editor for CSS and LESS - Magic CSS extension for Chrome, Firefox and Edge.
  • You Might Not Need JS - CSS alternatives for common JS UI components.
  • RevengeCSS - A CSS bookmarklet that uses selectors to find bad markup, displaying ugly pink error messages in comic sans serif wherever you write bad HTML

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Podcasts πŸ“»

Something to listen to while programming.

  • Shop Talk Show - A live podcast with Chris Coyier and Dave Rupert about front-end web design, development, and UX.
  • Style Guide Podcast - A small batch series of interviews on style guides, hosted by Anna Debenham and Brad Frost.
  • The Big Web Show - Topics like web publishing, art direction, content strategy, typography, web technology, and more. It's everything web that matters.
  • The Web Ahead - Conversations with world experts on changing technologies and future of the web.
  • Non Breaking Space Show - Seeking out the best, brightest, and smartest creative people on digital art, design, and development.
  • The Changelog - The tagline for the Changelog says it all: β€œOpen Source moves fast. Keep up.” This podcast, and the accompanying blog, is all about keeping you updated with the latest in Open Source Technology.
  • Syntax - A Tasty Treats Podcast for Web Developers.

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Twitter πŸ“‘

Active accounts to follow.

  • CSS Animation
  • Andrey Sitnik - Author of @Autoprefixer, and @PostCSS.
  • Evangelina Ferreira - Web Designer. Professor at @multimedial_utn HTML5 & CSS Freak. Ocassional Translator.
  • Sara Soueidan - Author of the @Codrops CSS Reference & Co-author of the Smashing Book #5.
  • Hugo Giraudel - CSS goblin & Sass hacker at @edenspiekermann.
  • Guy Routledge - Front-end dev, Teacher @GA_London, Screencaster at, property snob, Foodie.
  • Heydon Pickering - Moderate consumer of rice. Also a UX designer, author, @smashingmag editor and programmer.
  • Adam Morse - Advocate for users and open-source.
  • Donovan Hutchinson - Designer, developer, writer. Occasionally blogs at, and currently building @cssanimation.
  • CSS Commits - Latest commits to @CSSWG’s public Mercurial repository.
  • Scott Jehl - Author of @responsiblerwd, now on sale from @abookapart.
  • Dudley Storey - Web development writer, teacher, and speaker.
  • Zoe M. Gillenwater - Web designer/developer specializing in CSS, RWD, UX, & accessibility.
  • Ben Briggs - Final year web technologies student. node.js, javascript, open source modules, client side optimisation, web performance.
  • Paul Lewis - Googler who noodles with code and design.
  • Nicolas Gallagher - Software Engineer at @twitter.
  • Harry Roberts- Consultant Front-end Architect: @google, @Etsy, @kickstarter, @BBC, @Deloitte, @FT, more.
  • Phil Walton - Engineer at Google β€’ Open Source Advocate β€’ Developer β€’ Designer β€’ Writer.
  • Lea Verou - Research Assistant @MIT_CSAIL, @CSSWG IE, @OReillyMedia author, Ex @W3C staff.
  • Manoela Ilic - ...aka Mary Lou @codrops ΰΌΆ CSS & HTML are my crayons ΰΌΆ Interested in Cognitive Science, AI, HCI, UI Design & Astrophysics ΰΌΆ Digital nomad.
  • Una Kravets - Front-end @IBMDesign. Sassvocate, community builder, & handcrafter. STEMinist :) Open source all the things.
  • Chris Coyier - Designer @CodePen. Writer @Real_CSS_Tricks.
  • Nicole Sullivan - GEEK.
  • Eric Bidelman - Engineer at Google working on Chrome, web components, and Polymer.
  • Patrick Hamann - Lover of mountains, craft beers and discovering new food.
  • Dave McFarland - Web developer, author of CSS: The Missing Manual, JavaScript & jQuery.
  • L. David Baron - Mozilla developer, CSS and W3C standards diplomat.
  • Daniel Glazman - W3C CSS Working Group Co-chairman, entrepreneur, software engineer, geek, father of two, polyglot, duck lover. Nah. Tweets are strictly mine.
  • The Chris Eppstein - Loves love. Hates hate. Has a kick-ass family. Writes code. Leads stylesheet tech @LinkedIn.
  • μ•—ν‚¨μŠ€ νƒ­ - Literally Jenn Schiffer's Mom.
  • Natalie Weizenbaum - Trans coder lady. Lead designer/developer of @SassCSS, working for @google on @dart_lang.
  • Brad Frost - Web designer, speaker, writer, consultant, musician.
  • Maxime Thirouin - Freelance front-end vigilante, UI/UX developer.
  • Mark Otto - GitHub and Bootstrap. Formerly at Twitter. Huge nerd.
  • Simon - UI designer, CSS doodler.
  • Connor Sears - Designer at GitHub.
  • Remy Sharp - All about CSS sizing units.
  • Jonathan Snook - Designer, Developer, Writer, Speaker. I make stuff on the web. I wrote SMACSS.
  • Rachel Andrew - Web Developer, half of @grabaperch CMS, CSS Working Group Invited Expert.

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Videos πŸ“Ί

*Good study videos from CSS Must Watch Videos. Some items are quoted from AllThingsSmitty/must-watch-css.

I told him on Twitter. I appreciate his valuable efforts.*


  1. Component-Based Style Reuse πŸ“„ transcript ⌚️ 37:24 - Pete Hunt @ CSS conf 2016.
  2. CSS4 Grid: True Layout Finally Arrives πŸ“„ transcript ⌚️ 29:27 - Jen Kramer @ CSS conf 2016.
  3. Houdini: Demystifying the Future of CSS ⌚️ 36:58 @ Google I/O 2016.


  1. mdo-ular CSS ⌚️ 30:06 - Mark Otto @ jQuery UK.
  2. CSS Architecture with SMACSS ⌚️ 30:15 - Caleb Meredith @ DevTips channel.
  3. CSS Workflow from the Ground Up ⌚️ 46:06 - Jonathan Snook @ Generate conf 2015.

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Books πŸ“š

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Tutorials 🎬

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@sotayamashita, @troxler, @Rishabh04-02 and You!


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