Awesome resources for Relay, based on the Awesome project
Table of Contents
Learning Resources
- Official Docs - Official Relay documentation.
- Unofficial Relay FAQ - Common questions answered! Relay resources are scarce at the moment, so this is very helpful if you get stuck.
- Getting Started with Relay - One of the few detailed walk throughs of hand-on Relay.
- Relay 101: Building A Hacker News Client - A complete workable example.
- Relay 102: Mutations - A follow up to "Relay 101" concentrating on mutations.
- Facebook Relay talk - Lunch and Learn session - Walkthrough of building a simple app, and demonstration of GraphiQL.
- A Beginner's Guide to Relay Mutations - Mutations in depth.
- Learn Relay - Shows you how to make a Pokemon-themed CRUD app, providing a personal, cloud-based GraphQL backend so you can focus on the client-side code.
- React Data Fetching with Relay - Clear conceptual overview of Relay's moving parts and magic.
- Joseph Savona - Relay: An Application Framework For React - Conceptual overview of Relay from the Facebook team.
- F8 2015 - React Native & Relay: Bringing Modern Web Techniques to Mobile - Overview of Relay, some about the philosophy.
- Relay - Daniel Dembach - Hamburg React.js Meetup - A good general overview of Relay, some discussion of alternatives. Common questions are covered in Q&A at the end.
- Facebook Relay talk - Lunch and Learn session - Walkthrough of building a simple app, and demonstration of GraphiQL.
- React with Relay and GraphQL with Andrew Smith - High level overview of Relay and GraphQL, with some useful discussion from the audience. Some discussion of other front-end frameworks, as well.
- Relay for Visual Learners - Very clear set of diagrams laying out how the different parts of Relay relate to each other.
- Relay: Seamless Syncing For React - An overview of what Relay is, and some discussion of experience using it in production.
- Cartoon Intro to Facebook's Relay - An overview of how Relay works, complete with illustrations.
Example Implementations
- Relay TODO MVC - The classic TODO example app, written with Relay.
- Relay with routing and pagination.koa-graphql-relay-example
- "TODO" app withkoa-graphql
- Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend.
Lists of Lists
Libraries & Packages
- Simplifies creating a JS GraphQL server forreact-relay
.- Babel Relay Plugin - Use Relay the latest ES6+ syntax.
bindings for Relay. Greatly simplifies many local state UI uses cases.- Relay and Routing - A well-articulated walk through of
, and the problems that it solves. relay-nested-routes
- Generate nested routes that reflect nested data. Helpful for managing deep data.isomorphic-relay-router
- Server side rendering support forreact-router-relay
- Relay and Routing - A well-articulated walk through of
- Simply syntax for Relay containers with ES7 decorators (@
- Ease composition of Relay containers by currying and providing the component after the container.relay-local-schema
- Use a local schema; no need for a remote GraphQL server.react-native-relay
- Use Relay with React Native.- May be supported out of the box in the future.
- Use Relay to fetch and store data outside of a React component.babel-plugin-flow-relay-query
- Convert Flow types into Relay fragments.sequelize-relay
- Make Relay compatible withsequelize
- Create Relay connections from MongoDB cursors.relay-composite-network-layer
- Compose your Relay Network Layer of many different Network Layers each with their own schema.react-relay-network-layer
- A Network Layer that adds support for query-batching and middlewares. It additionally provides some useful middlewares such as for auth, for logging, etc.
- GraphiQL - A library to introspect GraphQL, test queries and mutations.
- GraphiQL App - A standalone app for viewing GraphQL, introspection docs, and testing queries/mutations. Invaluable for debugging your Relay app.
- Use a local schema; no need for a remote GraphQL server.- Babel Relay Plugin - Use Relay the latest ES6+ syntax.
Starter Kits
- Relay Skeleton - Relay project skeleton.
- Relay Starter Kit - An app that it already set up with a basic setup. Just clone and tweak to suit your needs!
- Node.js API Starter Kit - Boilerplate and tooling for building data APIs with Node.js, GraphQL and Relay
- Simple Relay Starter - A Browserify version of the Relay Starter Kit.
- UniversalRelayBoilerplate Boilerplate + examples for React Native (iOS, Android), React (isomorphic, Material-UI), Relay, GraphQL, JWT, Node.js, Apache Cassandra.
- Relay on Rails Starter Kit - A barebones starter kit for Relay application on Rails server. Just clone and tweak!
- Relay Fullstack - Relay Starter Kit integrated with Relay, Express, Webpack, Babel, Material Design Lite, and PostCSS.
Relay-Specific Server Support
- Go Relay - A Go/Golang library to help construct a graphql-go server supporting react-relay.
- React/Relay TodoMVC app, driven by a Golang GraphQL backend.
- Simplifies creating a JS GraphQL server forreact-relay
- A library to help construct agraphql-py
server supportingreact-relay
- Relay helpers for GraphQL & Ruby.
- GraphQL and Relay on Rails — First relay powered react component - Full walk through of a simple Relay setup, including clonable code.
- Relay/GraphQL On Rails - A brief example of Relay with Rails, complete with several diagrams to aid in comprehension.
- Relay on Rails Starter Kit - A barebones starter kit for Relay application on Rails server. Just clone and tweak!
- Relay support for Sangria.
- Writing Simple Unit Tests with Relay - An early first look at testing Relay.