AVA is a minimal & futuristic JavaScript test runner
- Recipes
- Testing React Native apps with AVA
- Getting Started with Create React App and AVA
- Effortless unit testing with AVA
- JavaScript Air episode with the AVA team
- AVA Casts - Short screencasts about AVA.
- Testing React components with AVA
- eslint-plugin-ava - ESLint rules.
- ava-codemods - Codemods that simplifies upgrading to newer versions.
- sublime-ava - Snippets for Sublime.
- atom-ava - Snippets for Atom.
- vscode-ava - Snippets for Visual Studio Code.
- vim-ava-snippets - Snippets for Vim.
- ava-spec - Drop-in BDD helpers.
- redux-ava - Test helpers for Redux.
- redux-test-recorder - Generate AVA tests for Redux reducers in a React app.
- gulp-ava - Run tests with Gulp.
- grunt-ava - Run tests with Grunt.
- fly-ava - Run tests with Fly.
- start-ava - Run tests with Start.
- sigh-ava - Run tests with Sigh.
- ava-rethinkdb - Test helpers for RethinkDB.
- eslint-ava-rule-tester - Test ESLint plugins with AVA.
- jscodeshift-ava-tester - Test jscodeshift codemods with AVA.
- ava-preact-init - Set up AVA for Preact.
- ava-fixture - Run fixture/baseline tests.
- ava-playback - Record and playback HTTP requests.
- ava-fast-check - Property based testing.
- ava-fixture-docker-db - Add docker databases to your test contexts.
Works with AVA
- Spectron - Test Electron apps using AVA and ChromeDriver.
- Chūhai - Run and verify benchmarks using AVA and benchmark.js.
- Leakage - Memory leak testing.
- pify - Promisify callback-style functions for better testing. (Example)
- p-event - Promisify an event. (Example)
- execa - Test your CLI tools. (Example)
- delay - Add delays to your tests. (Example)
- get-stream - Test the output of streams. (Example)
- create-test-server - Creates a minimal Express server for testing. (Example)
- Testing a React & Redux Codebase - A comprehensive series of tutorials about testing a React and Redux project using AVA.
- Stickers, t-shirts, etc - The products are sold at production price without any markup.
- Slides from AVA talk at London Node User Group - By core team member Mark Wubben.
To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.