Useful resources for the Eta programming language
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- Eta - Official website.
- GitHub - Eta on GitHub.
- Philosophy - Interview about the philosophy behind Eta's development.
First Steps
- Getting Started - First steps with Eta.
- Tour of Eta - Learn Functional Programming the Easy Way.
- Prelude - Default modules for an easier start.
- Eta vs. Haskell - Differences between Eta and Haskell.
- Eta vs. Frege - Differences between Eta and Frege.
- Etlas Packages - Hackage packages that work with Eta.
- Template Haskell - Status of Template Haskell.
- GHC 8 - Compatibility with GHC 8.
Official Resources
- Documentation - Eta documentation.
- Tutorials - Eta tutorials.
- FAQ - Frequently asked questions.
- Tour of Eta - Introduction to Eta.
- Eta Cheatsheets - Eta reference.
- Eta Blog: Java I - Using Eta with Java, part I.
- Eta Blog: Java II - Using Eta with Java, part II.
- Eta Blog: Haskell - Using Haskell packages in Eta code.
- Eta Blog: Scala - Using Eta code in Scala projects.
- Docker Hub - Docker repo for Eta.
- Google Group - Eta Google Group.
- Gitter - Gitter channel.
- Slack - Slack channel.
- IRC - IRC channel.
- Bangalore - Bangalore Eta Meetup.
- Eta - Official Twitter account.
- TypeLead - Company behind Eta.
- Rahul Muttineni - Creator of Eta and CTO of TypeLead.
- Eta programming language - Official blog.
- TypeLead - Blog of the company behind Eta.
- Eta on Android - Post about using Eta on Android.
- ICFP - International Conference on Functional Programming.
- FP101x - Introduction to Functional Programming on edX.
- Introduction to Eta - Introduction to the language and its origin.
- Using Eta - Comparison of Eta and Scala.
- Eta Fibers - Concurrency on the JVM.
- ICFP Videos - Videos about functional programming.
- Functional Conf - 2016 - Bringing the Power of Haskell to the JVM.
- Functional Conf - 2017 - Eta Fibers: Towards Better Concurrency on the JVM.
Sample Applications
- eta-android - Example of Eta on Android.
- eta-android-2048 - The 2048 game for Android.
- eta-todo - Example of a Spock web application written in Eta.
- eta-yesod-minimal - Example of a Yesod web application in Eta.
- eta-examples - Examples of Eta code.
- eta-2048 - The 2048 game written in Eta.
To the extent possible under law, Stefan Fischer has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.