A curated list of resources for Composer, Packagist, Satis, Plugins, Scripts, Videos, Tutorials.
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- Official Website
- Issues
- Github
- Getting Started Guide and Installation Instructions
- Documentation
- API Documentation
- Find Packages on Packagist
- CheatSheet - Overview of CLI commands and
schema. - Composer Installers - Composer installers for multiple frameworks.
Stack Overflow
- You might use the following tags:
. - Ask a new question
- Find questions tagged
- IRC channels are on
: #composer for users and #composer-dev for development.
- Documentation for Plugins - This offical documentation is good starting point, when writing a Composer plugin.
- Composer-Asset-Plugin - A npm/Bower Dependencies Manager for Composer.
- Composer-AWS - The plugin loads repository data and downloads packages from Amazon S3 (with authentication support for private repositories).
- Composer-Composition - Provides an API, for checking your environment at runtime.
- Composer-Suggest - Enables you to install a custom group of suggested packages, based on keyword patterns.
- Composer-Versions-Check - Shows outdated packages from last major versions after using the update command (showing "Latest is vX.Y.Z").
- Composer-Changelogs - Provides a summary of the updates with links to changelog/releasenote/tag. The output is ready to be pasted into the commit message when updating the composer.lock file.
- Composer-Merge-Plugin - Merges multiple
files at Composer runtime. - Composer-Bin-Plugin - Adds support for managing dependencies for multiple packages in a single repository or isolate bin dependencies.
- Composer-Inheritance-Plugin - Opinionated version of Wikimedia composer-merge-plugin to work in pair with Bamarni composer-bin-plugin.
- Composer-MonoRepo-Plugin - The plugin helps to manage dependencies for multiple packages in a single repository.
- Composer-Patches-Plugin - Enables you to provide patches for any package from any package. When the dependency is fetched, the patch is applied on top.
- Composer-Patches - The plugin applies a patch from a local or remote file to any required package.
- Composer-Patches - Applies a patch from a local or remote file to any package that is part of a given composer project.
- Composer-Plugin-QA - Comprehensive Plugin for composer to execute PHP Quality assurance Tools.
- Composer-Cleanup-Plugin - Removes tests & documentation folders from the vendor dir.
- Composer-Cleaner - The tool removes unnecessary files and directories from the vendor directory.
- Composer-Ignore-Plugin - Enables you to remove files and folders from the vendor folder (to make a cleaner and smaller deployment to production). It's an alternative to
. - Composer-Shared-Package-Plugin - Allows you to share selected packages between your projects by creating symlinks.
- Composer-Symlinker - Enables you to load packages from different directories (instead of loading them from /vendor).
- Prestissimo - A parallel downloader using
. - Composer-FastFetch - Parallel Downloader using external download tools: Aria2.
- Composer-Curl-Plugin - The plugin use phpext_curl for downloading packages.
- Composer-Custom-Directory-Installer - A composer plugin, to install different types of composer packages in custom directories outside the default composer installation path (vendor folder).
- Composer-Dependency-Analyzer - Allows you to build a dependency graph for an installed composer project.
- Graph-Composer - Provides a graph visualization for your project's
and its dependencies. - PackageVersions - Provides a very quick and easy access to installed composer dependency versions.
- Composer Locator - Provides a means of locating the installation path for a given Composer package name.
- PackageInfo - Enables you to retrieve all package informations (like version, tag, release date, description).
- Composer-Git-Hooks - A library for easily managing git hooks in your composer config.
- Symfony-Flex - Provides recipe-based installation and configuration management for Symfony packages.
- Narrowspark-Automatic - Automates the most common tasks of applications, boost package downloads, adds a composer security audit and more.
- PHPCodeSniffer-Composer-Installer - The plugin enables you to install PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards (rulesets).
- Composer-Warmup - The plugin adds the command
to Composer, which triggers the compilation of all PHP files discovered in your project into the Opcache. - Foxy - Composer plugin that executes npm/yarn packages installation operations, when composer package is installed or updated.
- NodeJS-Installer - Downloads and installs NodeJS and npm as composer package.
- Imposter-Plugin - Wrapping all composer vendor packages inside your own namespace. Intended for WordPress plugins.
- Composer Preload - The plugin generates a
file to warm up the Opcache. - PHP Inc - Automatically includes files for autoload and autoload-dev to facilitate using functions and grouped definitions within composer loaded applications.
- Composer Registry Manager - Enables you to switch between different composer repositories.
- Composer SemVer Checker - Enables you identify constraint to version resolution issues, by doing a semantic version check for Packagist hosted packages.
- Composer-Yaml - This tool converts
. - Studio - A workbench for developing Composer packages. Its an alternative to editing dependencies in the vendor folder or using PathRepositories to load a local clone of your dependency into your project.
- OctoLinker Browser Extension - Enables you to navigate Composer/NPM dependencies on Github.
- ComposerRequireChecker - A CLI tool to analyze dependencies and verify that no unknown imported symbols are used in the sources of a package.
- Composer-Normalize - The plugin helps to keep your
file(s) consistent by restructuring and sorting entries (normalizing). - Composer-Service - Enables you to run Composer as a service on a remote server.
- Composer PreferLowest Checker - Strictly compare the specified minimum versions of your composer.json with the ones actually used by the prefer-lowest composer update command option.
- ParameterHandler - Allows you to manage your ignored parameters when running a composer install or update.
- Tooly - Manage needed PHAR files in your project
. Every PHAR file will be saved in the composer binary directory. Optional with GPG verification for every PHAR. - Melody - One-file composer scripts.
- Composer-Travis-Lint - Allows you to lint the Travis CI configuration file (
). - Composer-Multitest - Enables you to run a Composer script against multiple, locally installed PHP versions, which are managed by PHPBrew or phpenv.
- ScriptsDev - Enables you to use a
section, which triggers scripts only in dev mode. - PhantomJS-Installer- A Composer Package which installs the PhantomJS binary (Linux, Windows, Mac) into /bin of your project.
- Composercat - Composercat is a comprehensive GUI for the Composer package manager, designed both for professionals and people taking their first steps with Composer.
- A beginners guide to Composer
- A short & simple Composer tutorial
- Easy package management with Composer
- PHP Dependency Management with Composer
- Composer Primer
- PHP Composer Magento Tutorial by Alan Storm
- Jordi Boggiano (seldaek)
- Nils Adermann (naderman)
- Composer: Part 1 - What & Why
- Composer: Part 2 - Impact
- Composer Stability Flags
- Composer Versioning
- Composer Best Practices 2018 - Nils Adermann @ phpday 2018
- Managing dependencies is more than running "composer update" - Nils Adermann @ phpsrb17
- Composer Best Practices — Jordi Boggiano @ php[tek] 2015
- Wonderful World of Composer
- PHP Composer Quickstart
- How Composer helped shape the new way of writing PHP - Nils Adermann @ Drupal Camp Frankfurt
- Composer Package Management - Nils Adermann @ T3CON12DE
- Slides by Nils Adermann
- Source: http://www.naderman.de/slippy/slides/
- PHP Reinvented - How Composer helped shape the new way of writing PHP
- Composer Update
- Dependency Management with Composer PHP Reinvented
- Managing dependencies is more than running "composer update"
- Composer Best Practices @ T3DD17
- Gain Control over your Dependencies with Private Packagist
- Composer.lock demystified
- Compoer In-Depth @ Contao Konferenz 2018
- Composer Best Practices 2018
- Developing and Deploying Magento with Composer Best Practices
- Composer Platform Config (check-platform-reqs) @ SymfonCon 2018
- Slides by Jordi Boggiano
- Packagist Mirror from Brazil - This is a maintained stable version of packagist crawler.
- Docker Image - This Docker image helps to create a customized packagist mirror.
- Packagist Mirror from Indonesia - Another implementation for creating a packagist mirror.
Packagist Mirrors
About metadata mirrors: https://packagist.org/mirrors
- North America
- Canada - packagist.org Main mirror
- South America
- Brazil - packagist.com.br
- Africa
- South Africa - packagist.co.za
- Asia
- China - php.cnpkg.org, https://pkg.phpcomposer.com/
- Indonesia - packagist.phpindonesia.id
- Japan - packagist.jp
Composer Repositories
Private Packagist
- Private Packagist Cloud - A Composer Repository as a Service for private packages and to mirror packages from other repositories.
- Private Packagist Enterprise - On-premise self-hosted version of Private Packagist.
- Private Packagist API Client - A PHP client for the Private Packagist API. The client handles authentication, signature generation and access to all endpoints.
Packagist-compatible repositories
- WordPress Packagist - Mirrors the WordPress plugin and theme directories as a Composer repository.
- Asset Packagist - Enables installation of Bower and NPM packages as native Composer packages.
- Firegento - A Composer Repository providing Magento Modules.
- Drupal Packagist - Composer repositories for Drupal 7 and 8 core, modules, and themes.
- Satis Server - This docker container provides a Satis Server and enables you to run a private, self-hosted Composer repository with support for Git, Mercurial, and Subversion, HTTP API, HTTPs support, webhook handler and scheduled builds.
- Cloudsmith - A fully managed package management SaaS with PHP/Composer support (and many others).
- Release Belt - Self–hosted Composer repository implementation to quickly integrate ZIP files of third party non–Composer releases.
- Gitlab-Composer - This is a branch/tag indexer for Gitlab repositories.
- Satisfy - Satis composer repository manager with a Web UI.
- Satis Control Panel - A simple web UI for managing your Satis Repository with optional CI integration.
- Satis Go - A web server for managing Satis configuration and hosting the generated Composer repository.
Toran Proxy
- ToranProxy (deprecated) - In addition to providing a composer repository ToranProxy acts as a proxy server for Packagist and GitHub.
To the extent possible under law, Jens A. Koch has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.