Curated list of awesome resources for the Amazon Alexa platform.
- SDKs/Tools
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- alexa-skills-kit-js - The Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js helps you get a skill up and running quickly, letting you focus on skill logic instead of boilerplate code.
- jargon-sdk-nodejs - The Jargon SDK makes it easy for skill developers to manage their runtime content and to support multiple languages from within their skill.
- AVS-server - Node.js web server for interacting with the Alexa Voice Service.
- AVS-client - Front-end application for interacting with Alexa Voice Service.
- SSMLOL - MP3 file validator for Alexa SSML tags.
- Jovo Framework - Build cross-platform apps for Alexa and Google Home.
- Alexa Smart Home SDK - An Alexa Skill Generator for IoT.
- AssistantJS - TypeScript framework to build cross-platform voice applications.
- alexa-avs-sample-app - This project provides a step-by-step walkthrough to help you build a hands-free Alexa Voice Service (AVS) prototype in 60 minutes.
- alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-java - SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo.
- ask-alexa-pykit - A minimalist SDK for developing skills for the Amazon Echo's ASK.
- alexa-skill-kit - Library for effortless Alexa Skill development with AWS Lambda.
- alexa-home - Using Amazon Echo to control the home!
- go-alexa - A collection of Amazon Echo / Alexa tools for Go development.
- AlexaAndroid - A library and sample app to abstract access to the Amazon Alexa service for Android applications.
- arduino-esp8266-alexa-wemo-switch - Amazon Alexa + WeMos switch made with Arduino D1 Mini.
- MacLexa - Put Amazon's Alexa in the Mac System Tray, uses Alexa Voice Service and built with Swift.
- Alexa-Chromecast-Skill-2.0 - Allows Amazon Alexa to control Google Chromecast, designed for Raspberry Pi.
- AlexaSkillsKit.NET - .NET library that simplifies Alexa skills development; same object model as Amazon's AlexaSkillsKit for Java.
- alexa-rubykit - Amazon Echo Alexa's App Kit Ruby Implementation.
- SwiftOnLambda - Use Swift to define an Amazon Lambda function, and an Alexa Custom Skill.
- alexa-skills-dotnet - An Amazon Alexa Skills SDK for .NET.
- ralyxa - A Ruby framework for interacting with Amazon Alexa.
- alexacast - Chromecast support for Amazon Alexa.
- alexa-assistant - Implementation of the Google Assistant SDK as an Alexa skill.
- haaska - Home Assistant Alexa Skill Adapter.
- Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Java - SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo.
- Aleksa - Aleksa is a small framework for writing Alexa Skills in Kotlin.
- Alexa Skills Kit for Python - Alexa Skills Kit for Python.
- python-alexa - A Simple Python Library to make Alexa skill development easy when aimed used in Lambda.
- Java Alexa Skills Kit SDK (Lambda) - An Amazon Alexa Skills SDK for Java.
- vsms-skeleton - Voice Skill Management System (Skeleton).
- amazon-alexa-skill-library - PHP Library for Amazon Alexa Skills.
- amazon-alexa-php - Amazon Alexa PHP Library.
- alexa-app - Set of classes to make creating Amazon Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) applications easier with Laravel and Lumen.
- Virtual Alexa - Alexa Emulator for Unit-Testing.
- ASK CLI - The ASK Command Line Interface (ASK CLI) is a tool for you to manage your Alexa skills and related AWS Lambda functions.
NPM Modules
- intent-utterance-file-parser - Parse an intent utterance file, like the Alexa Skills Kit Sample Utterance file.
- intent-utterance-expander - Expand custom utterance slots of phrases to use with Alexa Skills Utterances.
- intent-utterance-generator - Alexa Skills Kit Sample Utterances generator.
- alexa-utterances - Generate expanded utterances for Amazon Alexa from a template string.
- alexa-voice-service.js - Library for interacting with Alexa Voice Service (AVS) in the browser.
- alexa-grammar - Utilities and framework code for building valid grammars and skill kits for Amazon's Alexa voice agent service.
- hapi-alexa - Hapi plugin for building Amazon Alexa apps on Node.js.
- alexa-app - A framework for Alexa (Amazon Echo) apps using Node.js.
- alexa-nodekit - Amazon Echo Alexa's App Kit Node.js Implementation.
- generator-alexa-skill - A Yeoman generator for scaffolding an Alexa Skill for AWS Lambda.
- expressive - A minimalist framework for Alexa Skill Kit apps running on Amazon Lambda.
- wavelength - Framework for building Alexa Skills with AWS Lambda.
- alexa-uncensor - Bypass Alexa (Amazon Echo) Text-to-Speech censorship.
- ssml-builder - Easily create SSML without all the hassle of string concatenation.
- alexa-verifier-middleware - An express middleware that verifies HTTP requests sent to an Alexa skill are sent from Amazon.
- alexia - A Framework for creating Amazon Echo skills using Node.js.
- fluent-ssml - Reusable, testable SSML templates for Typescript or plain Node.js.
- jovo-framework-nodejs - Build cross-platform Voice Apps for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.
- chatskills - Run and debug Alexa skills on the command-line. Create bots. Run them in Slack. Run them anywhere!
- alexa-utterances - Generate expanded utterances for Amazon Alexa from a template string.
- alexa-mp3-validator - A node module for validating your MP3 files to be used in your Amazon Alexa skill.
- node-alexa-smapi - A node.js client library for using the Alexa Skill Management API.
- jargon-sdk-nodejs - The Jargon SDK makes it easy for skill developers to manage their runtime content and to support multiple languages from within their skill.
- ASK-HackerNews - An Alexa Skills Kit app to read the top Hacker News headlines.
- Alexa-ChromeControl - Control your chrome browser via your Amazon Echo.
- alexa-skill-jenkins - Alexa Skill that tells Who broke the Jenkins build.
- ASK-fortune - Read a random, hopefully interesting, adage.
- gmail-on-alexa - Gmail skill for Amazon Alexa.
- alexa-plex - Alexa (Amazon Echo) app for interacting with a Plex Server and controlling client playback.
- trash-talk - 100 greatest movie insults of all time to motivate you.
- AlexaMakeMeASandwich - Chrome Extension that turns your Amazon Echo into a Sandwich Artisan.
- LIFX-Alexa-Skill - An Alexa Skill created for the Amazon Echo that allows you to control your LIFX Lightbulbs.
- EarthquakeInfoSkill - Amazon Echo (Alexa) skill to read out recent earthquakes in the world.
- alexaHomeboy - Alexa Lambda Function for communicating with IFTTT maker channel.
- RokuAlexaLambdaSkill - An Alexa Skill that allows voice control of your Roku.
- alexa-sonos - An Alexa app to control a Sonos.
- RottingTomatoes - Alexa skill that tells you various info about movies.
- ktd-piggy-bank - An Alexa Skill to query the value of a Piggy Bank in Numerous.
- dominos-alexa-skill - An Alexa Skill to track your Domino's orders.
- bf-helper - An Alexa Skill to help Basic Fantasy RPG players with various tasks involved in setting up characters and navigating rules.
- EchoMovieDialog - Amazon Echo skill: Alexa engages in a dialog using movie quotes.
- alexa-coho - Sample code for building skill adapters for Alexa Connected Home using the Lighting API.
- asana-alexa-skill - Alexa Skill for Asana.
- alexa-against-humanity - Ask Alexa to randomly pick white or black cards from Cards Against Humanity.
- echo-venmo - Amazon Echo Skill for Venmo.
- Uber-Alexa-Skill - An Alexa skill for calling an Uber ride.
- npmAlexa - Alexa app to ping NPM API.
- 1minuteMindfullnessSkill - Skill code for Alexa Skill: 1 minute Mindfulness.
- codeword-alexa-skill - Generate code words using Alexa.
- alexa-league - Alexa Skill for Riot API.
- alexa-astro - Ask your Amazon Echo about the night sky.
- alexa_metar - Read ADDS METARs aloud on an Amazon Echo.
- alexa-qrz - An Alexa Skill to lookup FCC license information.
- alexa-airportinfo - This skill uses the FAA API to report the current weather, and any delays, for a given airport code.
- alexa-ha - An Amazon Echo skill for controlling your Home Automation via voice.
- alexia-starter-kit - Starter Kit project with sample Amazon Echo skill created using Alexia Framework. Contains eslint config, sample intent structure, unit tests and more.
- geemusic - A bridge between Google Music and Amazon's Alexa.
- alex-robinhood-skill - Unoffical Alexa Skill for Robinhood.
- skill-sample-nodejs-fact - This Alexa sample skill is a template for a basic fact skill.
- skill-sample-nodejs-audio-player - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to play long form audio in 3P-skills.
- skill-sample-nodejs-petmatch - This Alexa Skill Kit sample shows how to build a skill using Dialog Management and Entity Resolution.
- skill-sample-nodejs-team-lookup - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to build a team lookup skill.
- skill-sample-nodejs-city-guide - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to build a skill featuring a single city's landmarks and news.
- skill-sample-nodejs-audio-player - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to play long form audio in 3P-skills.
- skill-sample-nodejs-highlowgame - This Alexa sample skill is a template for a basic high-low game skill.
- skill-sample-nodejs-howto - This tutorial will walk first-time Alexa skills developers through all the required steps involved in creating a parameter-based skill using a template called ‘Minecraft Helper’.
- skill-sample-nodejs-feed - An Alexa Skill Template to help create skills that read RSS/Atom feeds.
- skill-sample-nodejs-decision-tree - An Alexa Skill Sample for building a skill that can take a user through a decision tree, like "What should I eat for breakfast?".
- skill-sample-nodejs-calendar-reader - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to import calendar data from an .ICS file.
- skill-sample-nodejs-trivia - This Alexa sample skill is a template for a trivia style game with score keeping.
- skill-sample-nodejs-quiz-game - An Alexa Skill Sample showing how to build a quiz game skill.
- skill-sample-nodejs-salesforce - This project demonstrates how to build an Alexa private skill that integrates with your Salesforce data, utilizing account linking and a personal voice code.
- VoiceX - Prototyping sample dialogs for voice user interfaces.
- Sayspring - Create interactive voice prototypes for Amazon Alexa and Google Home.
- BotSociety - Preview & prototype your voice interfaces.
- Skillinator - Prototype Alexa Skills for Alexa Skills Kit SDK for JavaScript / Node.js (Lambda).
- Storyline - Create and publish Amazon Alexa skills without coding with visual interface and pre-build templates.
- Smartly.AI - All in one platform for your voice and chatbot projects.
- PullString - Design, prototype, and publish voice apps for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and IoT devices.
- Conversable - Conversable is the enterprise conversational intelligence platform for creating intuitive, on-demand, automated experiences on any messaging or voice channel.
- - KITT.AI offers Conversational Understanding as a Service with ChatFlow and customizable wake word detection on embedded devices.
- Dashbot - Actionable Analytics for Amazon Alexa.
- Opearlo - Opearlo is a voice design agency that offers Alexa skill design and development, along with Opearlo Analytics, a platform for insights into Alexa skill usage.
- - Alpine is a pioneer in voice experience analytics, and is the most widely used product analytics service for Alexa skills.
- WitLingo - Witlingo is a SaaS product company that enables skills developers to access analytics, diagnostics, and discovery tools to help them improve their skills.
- Alexa-Utterance-Generator - A website that allows you to generate numerous utterances with a simplistic GUI.
- Alexa Smart Home Payload V3 Generator - A website that generates smart home v3 discovery payloads.
- Skillinator - A website to help generate Lambda template code from an Interaction Model JSON file. Service created by Amazon staff.
- Audio converter (Storyline) - This simple tool helps you to convert your MP3s into the right format for Amazon Alexa skills. It works for Google Actions too.
- Audio converter (Jovo) - Convert MP3 files for using in Amazon Alexa Skills.
- Tophonetics - A free International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) phonetics generator for your SSML in Amazon Alexa Skills.
- Bespoken - Bespoken provides monitoring and testing tools for Alexa skills (and Google Actions). Our platform keeps track to make sure your skill is working correctly, and alerts you when it is not.
- ASK Dev Weekly - Subscribe to a hand picked round up of the best Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) development links every week.
- Hearing Voices - This week's news about voice computing apps, delivered directly to your inbox.
- Alexa Developer - Latest Amazon Alexa news and IoT and voice industry trends.
- Love My Echo - Things To Ask Alexa, how-tos, tips, tricks, etc.
- VoiceBot - The latest news about Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Google Deep Mind, Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana, IBM Watson and more.
- Voice Dev Rocks - A weekly curated publication full of interesting, relevant links, brought to you by the Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana Slack communities.
- Alexa Dev Chat - The podcasts include Alexa news, developer tips, and interviews with Alexa developers and Alexa employees.
- VoiceBot Podcasts - Gather in one place the most important news and commentary about all things voice web.
- VoiceFirst.FM - A podcast network devoted to voice-first technology.
- Love My Echo - Love My Echo is the first consumer-oriented site dedicated to the Amazon Echo: what it is, what it does, and how to get the most from it.
- VoiceBot - One of the main news sources about voice industry and Amazon Alexa.
- Jargon Blog - The Jargon Blog releases weekly updates on voice 101 and product news
- Designing Voice User Interfaces: Principles of Conversational Experiences - How to design voice user interfaces.
- How To Program - Amazon Echo: Design, Development and Testing Alexa Skills - How To Program for the Amazon Alexa.
- Developing Amazon Alexa Games: A Game Designer’s Handbook - A Game Designer’s Handbook.
- Voice Applications for Alexa and Google Assistant - This book teaches you how to design, build, and share voice apps. Voice-First Development - In this insightful guide, you’ll get a solid foundation in modern voice technologies.
- Alexa Voice Service (AVS) with cURL - Tutorial on interacting with Alexa Voice Service over cURL.
- Alexa Voice Service (AVS) Authentication - Tutorial on Alexa Voice Service authentication.
- How to develop an Alexa Skill - Tutorial on creating an Alexa Skill.
- How to create an Alexa Skill using Alexia Framework - Tutorial on using the Alexia framework.
- How to create a cross-platform voice app using Assistant.js - Tutorial on using Assistant.js.
- AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL301) Creating Voice Experiences Using Amazon Alexa - Learn about creating good user experiences on Alexa.
- AWS re:Invent 2015 | (MBL310) Alexa Voice Service Under the Hood - Learn more about Alexa in-depth.
- How to create an Alexa skill without coding?
- How to create your own Flash Briefing skill for Amazon Alexa - Create your own flash briefing skill.
- How to Publish Your Alexa Skill to all the English-speaking Regions - Publish your Alexa skill.
- Dabble Lab - Weekly videos on building custom skills for Amazon Alexa and related topics.
- Building Voice Apps Using Amazon Alexa - Build smooth voice-activated apps for Echo and other Alexa-aware devices.
- Build for Echo Show - Learn to develop multimodal skills for Echo Show.
- Introduction to Voice Design with Amazon's Alexa - Introduction to Alexa Voice Design.
- Unofficial Alexa Slack - A group of chat channels focusing on Amazon Alexa enabled hardware and software. Developers, designers, marketers, business people, hobbyists, students, and other professionals involved in technology are welcome.
- Storyline community - Facebook community of Alexa Developers built around the Storyline, tool for creating voice apps without coding.
- Alexa Dev Days - Alexa Dev Days are free, interactive events from Amazon and sponsored by Intel. Engage in hands-on sessions where you will learn to create voice experiences and hear the latest on UI design and industry trends. Learners of all levels can join us for training sessions, workshops, live demos, and networking with Alexa experts and your peers.
- Influencers - A list of Amazon Alexa influencers.
Easter Eggs
- Alexa Easter Eggs - A list of Alexa easter eggs.
- Alexa Fund - The Alexa Fund provides up to $100 million in venture capital funding to fuel voice technology innovation.
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